Lightening the Parenting Load

You've Got This! Hoodie

Breastfeeding Friendly

Easy access for hungry babies and tired mamas

Relaxed fit

Relaxed fit for day or night to follow your baby's lead

Great gifts

Show love and support to mamas everywhere


Plenty of comfortable space for growing bumps

Easy care

Machine washable & quick drying

High-Quality non-toxic fabrics

Responsibly sourced and manufactured to protect mamas, babies and the environment

Breastfeeding Friendly

Easy access for hungry babies and tired mamas

Relaxed fit

Relaxed fit for day or night to follow your baby's lead

Great gifts

Show love and support to mamas everywhere

You've Got This! Hoodie


Plenty of comfortable space for growing bumps

Easy care

Machine washable & quick drying

High-Quality non-toxic fabrics

Responsibly sourced and manufactured to protect mamas, babies and the environment

Wear it your way - Flexible Looks for Busy Mamas

Wear it your way
Cross-Over Top Diamond Back
You've Got This Quilted Jacket
  • Friendly & Sustainable

    Tailored Self-Care for Tired Mamas

    • Maternity Friendly
    • Breastfeeding Friendly
    • Babywearing Friendly
    • Co-Sleeping Friendly
    • Doing-None-Of-The-Above Friendly
  • Free Breastfeeding Gift

    Free Breastfeeding Gift With Every Purchase*

    Turn any one-up-one-down (OUOD) combo into a breastfeeding-friendly ensemble, with our breastfeeding scrunchie.

    If you would like a free breastfeeding scrunchie with your purchase, please add a comment at checkout and we will pop one in with your order. 

    *Subject to availability. Colour/pattern may vary. 

  • Matching Dribble Bib

    Eco-Conscious: Recycling Fabric Offcuts

    Embrace the twinning trend by adding a cute matching dribble bib to your order.

    Add Here 

Special Offer - Free Mini Laundry Bag with Every Breast Pad Purchase (also great for little baby socks!)* subject to availability

Zorb® 4D Single Breast Pads

Breastfeeding & Postpartum Clothing Solutions

Being a new parent is exhausting enough without the added worry of... 

  • Laura Donegan @babymamanodrama

    "All my mamas you NEED this hoodie from @touchedoutmama 🤩"

  • Lucy Thomas @lucyrosedoula

    "@touchedoutmama does a whole range of boobin' bits, including these cosy bf and pregnancy friendly jackets 🙌"


  • Shelley Thompson @theempoweringbirthschool

    "Gift Idea! So cosy I'm going to tag her, @touchedoutmama"

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#touchedoutmama #informedisbest
Breastfeeding has long been recognised as a natural way to feed and nurture infants, providing essential nutrients and bonding opportunities for mother and child. But did you know that unrestricted breastfeeding can also serve as a form of natural contraception, helping to space pregnancies and promote maternal and infant health?

When a woman breastfeeds her infant, the physical act of suckling triggers hormonal changes in her body that can suppress ovulation, inhibiting the release of eggs and preventing conception. This natural contraceptive effect is strongest in the first few months after birth, but can continue for as long as breastfeeding continues, making it an effective tool for family planning, especially when access to healthcare is limited.

However, when breastfeeding is restricted or not practiced at all, the natural contraceptive effect is not present, leading to more frequent pregnancies and potentially compromising the health of both mother and child. There is also anecdotal evidence that infant feeding practices can also have long-term impacts on a woman's hormonal balance, such as her menstrual cycle. A daughter who is breastfed without any restrictions may experience a later onset of menstruation and an earlier menopause, thus reducing her reproductive lifespan.

Historical records from 17th-century rural England show that countrywomen who breastfed their infants frequently had fewer children and better-spaced pregnancies than their wealthier counterparts who did not practice breastfeeding. The nobility were having around 18 pregnancies, while countrywomen rarely had more than seven children. The records also indicate that babies born to countrywomen were more likely to survive.

The age of childbearing and the spacing of children are two critical factors in demographic patterns and population growth. Effective family planning through unrestricted breastfeeding can help to promote optimal maternal and infant health and support sustainable population growth. Furthermore, breastfeeding can provide long-term benefits for women's health and the health of future generations.

#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #NaturalContraception
#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #NursingMums #MilkMatters #BreastfeedingJourney #NormaliseBreastfeeding #Breastmilk #MotherhoodUnplugged #Parenting #NewMumLife #BreastfeedingSupport #NaturalFeeding #MilkSupply #MumLife #HealthyBabies
Parents with young children are often encouraged to "redirect" or distract their kids from negative emotions. If a child is sad, redirect them. If they're angry, redirect them. Hurt? Redirect. However, this approach sends the message: "I don't hear you, I don't want to hear you, I'm uncomfortable with your negative emotions, and I don't think you are smart enough to tell I'm trying to distract you."

By welcoming all emotions without taking on the responsibility to fix them or silence the tears, we convey that it's okay to feel sad, angry, or disappointed. We communicate that we hear them, they're safe, and all their feelings are valid. When children feel heard, even without any action to make things better, they feel safe. This sense of security enhances their emotional regulation and ability to play independently.

In contrast, children who seldom feel heard tend to constantly seek attention, resulting in more meltdowns, dramatised reactions to injuries, heightened fears, increased clinginess, and less independent play. Additionally, they may become afraid of their own negative emotions and struggle to develop self-regulation.

It's crucial to note that placing excessive emphasis on a young child's emotions and allowing these emotions to dominate our lives can have a similar adverse effect.

#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #ParentingTips #EmotionalIntelligence #PositiveParenting #ChildDevelopment #MindfulParenting #EmotionallyHealthyKids #ParentingAdvice #RaisingKids #ParentingHacks #ListenToYourKids #EmpatheticParenting #ParentingCommunity #KidsEmotions #HealthyParenting #ParentingStrategies
In today's industrialised society, the concept of "baby-led feeding," “breastfeeding on-demand,” or "responsive feeding" is still not widely practiced, despite being recommended. It's common for midwives to suggest that mothers feed their babies every two hours, while health workers ask about the frequency of feeding in a 24-hour period. Unfortunately, this can turn a natural act into a monitored, self-conscious task, putting undue pressure on new mothers. 

In 1985, Michael Latham, Professor of Nutrition at Cornell University, described real 'demand' feeding when he said, “Asking a woman in rural Africa how often she breastfeeds is like asking someone with an itchy rash how often they scratch.”

#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #BabyLedFeeding #ResponsiveFeeding #Breastfeeding #FeedOnDemand #NewMother #NaturalParenting #InfantNutrition #Midwifery #MaternalHealth #NormaliseBreastfeeding #ParentingJourney #MotherhoodUnplugged #EmpowerMothers #FeedByInstinct #HealthyStart
#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #BreastfeedingJourney #ExclusiveBreastfeeding #HealthyBabies #NutritionForBabies #ParentingHumor #MumLife #BreastfeedingFacts #ChildHealth #InfantNutrition #ParentingWin #BabyDevelopment #BreastfeedingSupport #MotherhoodMoments #ParentingTips #PediatricInsights
Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC): a revolutionary approach born out of necessity in 1979 by Drs Edgar Rey and Hector Martinez of Bogotá, Colombia. Facing high infection and death rates among low birth weight (LBW) babies, they pioneered a method where premature infants were nestled between their mother's breasts, fostering continuous skin-to-skin contact and access to breastfeeding. This simple yet profound practice, known as KMC, not only ensured the survival of these vulnerable infants but also strengthened the bond between mother and child.

The impact of KMC extends beyond physical health, promoting maternal-infant bonding and reducing anxiety and depression. It's a testament to the power of human connection and the simplicity of effective care. 💗 
For the full text see

#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #KangarooMotherCare #SkinToSkin #PrematureBabies #NICU #ParentingTips #NewbornCare #MaternalBonding #HealthcareInnovation #InfantHealth #BreastfeedingSupport #NeonatalCare #MedicalBreakthrough #FamilyWellness #EmpoweringMothers
#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #ParentingWisdom #CompassionateParenting #RespectfulParenting #ParentingJourney #EmpatheticGuidance #MindfulParenting #NurturingDevelopment #PositiveParenting #GentleParenting #EmpowerOurKids #RaisingRespectfulChildren #TransformingParenting #ParentingShift #SupportiveParenting #GuidingWithLove
A sneak preview of the touched out mama Spring/Summer Loungewear Collection coming soon! Or even sooner for those attending Little Pickles Market - Brockenhurst this Sunday 21st April 😎  I'm afraid these tops are just so soft that your littles won't want to stop snuggling with you 🥰🩷

Did you spot the Zebra?!?! 👀🦓 Couldn't resist making one in my fav print 😉
Becoming a parent is a journey filled with milestones, and one of the earliest is introducing solid foods to our infants. 

"Historically, we used to start giving babies solids at around 9 – 10 months. Then the baby food industry was invented and with it pressure to give solid foods earlier (some from 4 months) with no evidence that was a good idea. Research then showed it was not but it's hard to reverse this messaging," Amy Brown, MSc (Econ) PhD

Despite industry and societal pressures, the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends starting solids around six months. However, it's essential to recognise that every child is unique, and readiness for solid foods varies.

Clarity in our terminology is also crucial. "Starting solids" should refer to the introduction of solid foods, while "Weaning" should denote the process of reducing breastfeeding. It's vital not to confuse the two. When starting solids, it's common for breastmilk quantities and breastfeeding frequency to remain unchanged initially. Parents introducing solids at six months shouldn't expect an immediate reduction in milk feeds. Starting solids doesn't necessarily mean beginning the weaning process.

While some infants may be ready for solids at six months, others may thrive on exclusive breastfeeding for a longer time. There have been instances where healthy babies have grown well on exclusive breastfeeding for up to fifteen months. In fact, during a lecture, scientist Peter Hartmann of the University of Western Australia was asked whether he had checked the iron status of a healthy child in Australia who was still exclusively breastfeeding at fifteen months. He humorously replied, "No, I couldn't catch him".

#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #ParentingJourney #EarlyNutrition #InfantFeeding #SolidStart #ParentingTips #NewParenting #BabyFoodFacts #HealthyInfants #MilestoneMoments #FirstFoods #BreastfeedingJourney #WeaningWisdom #ChildHealth #ParentingCommunity #BabyFoodMyths
#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #breastfeeding #normalisebreastfeeding #breastfeedingmum #breastfeedingjourney #breastfeedingawareness #motherhood #breastfeedingmama #lactation #supportbreastfeeding #breastfeedingmatters #babyfriendlyhospital #newmum #breastfeedingproblems #empowerwomen #mumlife
Someone recently said to me “You’ve worked hard on your children, well done” and I replied; “Oh thank you, but I think I’ve worked harder on myself.”

Parenting is not just about teaching our children. It’s also about teaching ourselves to recognise and defuse our triggers, heal and learn from past childhood traumas, and not allow society to pressurise us against our parenting instincts.

Image: This detail of The Three Ages of Woman. GUSTAV KLIMT, c. 1905.

#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #ParentingJourney #SelfGrowth #MindfulParenting #ParentingWisdom #SelfDevelopment #EmpoweredParenting #InnerWork #ParentingInsights #EmotionalWellness #HealingJourney #ReflectiveParenting #SelfDiscovery #RaisingChildren #ParentingTips #PersonalGrowth
#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #ParentingWisdom #EmpowerChildhood #LoveOverCorrection #ParentingReflections #NurturingSelfEsteem #EmbraceVulnerability #EmpathyInParenting #SupportingSelfWorth #RespectfulParenting #BuildingConfidence #PositiveParenting #EncourageNotCorrect #CherishChildhood #GuideWithLove #HealthyParentChildBond
Kid-Approved Food Swap Ideas…

Just some cleaner food swaps our kids (4 & 6 years old) have tried and enjoyed recently. Not always the cheapest or healthiest option, but a step in the right direction and worth knowing if they ever go on offer. 💗

Pasta Sauce - Heinz Sun Dried Cherry Tomato And Basil Pasta Sauce
White Bread Rolls - Jason's 4 Everyday White Rolls With Sourdough
White Sliced Bread - Jason's White Ciabattin Sourdough
Wraps – Crosta & Mollica 6 Durum Wheat Piadina Midi Flatbreads
Pizza - Crosta & Mollica Pizzeria Margherita Pizza or Pizzetta (Sourdough base)
Spaghetti – Tesco Whole Wheat Spaghetti
Puff Pastry - M&S Handcrafted All Butter Puff Pastry
Sausages - Heck 97% Pork Sausages

There are seeded and wholewheat versions of the breads above if your children don’t mind these.

And while we are on the topic of food, I cannot resist recommending my staple freezer item… Sainsbury's Chopped Spinach (make sure it’s the chopped version!). Convenient frozen portions to pop into any sauce-based dish, like curry, pasta, lasagne, fish pie, chilli, or smoothies and muffins. Virtually undetectable to little tastebuds and highly nutritious… yum! 😋

#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #KidApproved #HealthyEating #FoodSwap #CleanEating #NutritiousChoices #FamilyMeals #ChildNutrition #MealIdeas #HealthyKids #ConvenientNutrition #ParentingTips #QuickMeals #EasyRecipes #FrozenFoodHacks
Changes in Taste and Smell of Stored Breastmilk

🤱 Attention Breastfeeding Mamas! 🤱

Before storing your precious breastmilk, consider checking out the guidance provided by La Leche League in their article on "Changes in Human Milk When Stored." This resource offers valuable insights into maintaining the freshness and quality of stored breastmilk, covering issues like excess lipase activity and chemical oxidation.

By taking a moment to explore this resource, you'll be better prepared to address potential challenges in preserving your milk and changes in taste that may result in your baby refusing to drink it . To access the full article, visit: 💗

#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #ExpressingTips #BreastfeedingTips #BreastmilkStorage #LaLecheLeague #LiquidGold #BreastfeedingJourney #MumLife #BabyFeeding #NursingMums #BreastfeedingSupport #ParentingAdvice #NewMum #InfantNutrition #BreastfeedingAwareness #HealthyBaby
#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #BreastfeedingJourney #NormaliseBreastfeeding #MumLife #ParentingWins #ComfortNursing #BreastfeedingSupport #ToddlersAndBoobs #ParentingTruths #MumConfessions #BreastfeedingMums #ToddlerLife #ParentingWisdom #BreastfeedingLove #ParentingHumor #MumHugs
The Impact of Early Childhood Experiences 

Dispelling misconceptions about young children's resilience is crucial. Contrary to common belief, they can be deeply affected by early experiences, storing memories that shape their future well-being. Research shows preverbal children can form implicit memories, influencing behavior later on (Bauer, 2020). These memories, though not consciously accessible, profoundly shape development. Early experiences deeply embed in a child's nervous system, affecting emotional regulation and relationship building (Perry, 2009). Understanding this impact is vital for promoting healthy development.

Early experiences can resurface later in life as behavioural issues or emotional difficulties (van der Kolk, 2014). Recognising this allows us to support children's well-being effectively. Acknowledging the lasting effects of early experiences is challenging yet essential. Investing in early intervention and trauma-informed care is crucial for positive outcomes in society.

Bauer, P. J. (2020). Infant Memory Development: Remembering Without Remembering. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29(6), 572-579.
Perry, B. D. (2009). Examining Child Maltreatment through a Neurodevelopmental Lens: Clinical Applications of the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 14(4), 240-255.
van der Kolk, B. A. (2014). The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Penguin Books.

Photo credit: Mart Production (

#informedisbest #touchedoutmama #EarlyChildhoodImpact #TraumaInEarlyYears #MemoryInChildhood #NeurodevelopmentalImpact
#ImplicitMemories #ChildhoodTraumaAwareness #NervousSystemDevelopment #EmotionalRegulation #HealthyChildhoodDevelopment #ConsequencesOfEarlyExperiences #TraumaInformedCare #SupportingYoungChildren #PreverbalMemories #ChildhoodWellbeing #FutureOutcomes
#touhcedoutmama #informedisbest #SpeakYourTruth #FindYourVoice #ExpressYourself #VoiceMatters #SpreadLove #WordsOfWisdom #Empowerment #SelfExpression #InspirationalQuotes #ShareYourStory #LoveAndListen #BeHeard #PositiveVibesOnly #MotivationMonday #EmpowerOthers #gentleparenting #positiveparenting
Exploring Sleep Patterns

Each of us has a genetic chronotype, determining whether we're night owls or early birds. Understanding your child's chronotype can be key to managing their sleep patterns. While young children often lean towards being early risers, it's not unusual to have a little night owl. Rather than fighting against their natural tendencies, embracing understanding and compromise can make all the difference. As children grow, their chronotypes may shift, especially as they approach puberty, making them night owls in their teenage years. 

In the context of discussing chronotype, it's interesting to note that newborns don't have fully developed circadian rhythms, the biological cycles that regulate our sleep-wake patterns. Their sleep-related patterns start to form around eight weeks, with circadian rhythms not fully established until around one year old. Additionally, it's worth noting that night-time breastmilk contains melatonin, aiding in soothing babies to sleep. So to all the mothers worrying that breastfeeding their baby to sleep is creating a “bad habit”... carry on… you are doing amazing! 💗

Photo credit: Sarah Chai (
#touchedoutmama #informedisbest #SleepChronotypes #ParentingInsights #ChildSleep #ParentingJourney #SleepAwareness #HealthySleepHabits #ChildDevelopment #NewbornSleep #CircadianRhythms #ParentingTips #SleepScience #InfantSleep #NightOwlsVsEarlyBirds #SaferSleepWeek

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Reaching out for help.

Reaching out for help.

If you have symptoms of depression, that last longer than the first 2 weeks after birth or start later you could have postnatal depression so speak to a GP, midwife, or health visitor, or call a mental health helpline, such as MIND, on 0300 123 3393. For breastfeeding-related help and advice contact the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 021.